Seven Mountains Summer Camp

July 8 to 14, 2001



When & Where


Dave informed me that the plan was to meet at the Church by 11:30 AM on this Sunday, July 8 to leave around noon. The plan is to caravan up, but I will try to have maps just in case someone things caravaning is corney and wants to break-out ahead.

For those of you who don't remember:
the camp is located on the other side of Milroy just off of Rt 322, past Laurel Creek Dam (Lewistown Water Authority Reservoir), and the first right hand turn (Sand Mountain Road), where the sign on right says To Poe Valley State Park & Seven Mts Scout camp, past the rest stop on the right after you have climbed the hill. This is all before State College and the town of Potters Mills.

After turning right off of Rt. 322 onto Sand Mountain Road,follow the gravel road for a mile or so until you come to the first parking lot on the left in front of and behind Rover Lodge and the Maintenance Building. Depending on what they tell us, we may all have to park in these lots and just allow one vehicle with the gear to proceed to the site while the boys are escorted to the site by a camp guide (usually an older Scout). The camp office/HQ is down Woods Lane to the right. My understanding is that the boys, along with an adult leader, will meet the camp officials at this camp office/HQ building to heck-in, then proceed on foot to the site. (The check-in place and procedure may change, but what I am saying here is just based upon past years' experience.)

-->Our campsite is either in Leopold or Elks, but I was told most likely Leopold. (Since we reserved alittle late, we are being assigned where they have room and these two are considered overflow sites.) I will try to confirm exactly which one with the camp director, prior to our leaving on Sunday. Please note that the Leopold site is fairly close to these parking lots around the left side of the trail loop, which is just up the road and to the left of the dining hall and health lodge.

Thanks to all who are helping… and everyone's patience is appreciated!!!

The camp address & phone are:
Seven Mountains Boy Scout Camp
RD 1 Box 416
Spring Mills, PA 16875
Phone: 814-364-1017