On my honor I will do my best to do my duty to God and my country, to obey the scout law, to help other people at all times, and to keep myself physically strong, mentally awake and morally straight.
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Boy Scout Troop 205
Lower Swatara Township
Middletown, PA

Union Canal District
Keystone Area Council
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This website was last updated on Wednesday, November 11, 2009...
most recently updated links:
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Email Troop 205 for further information

Upcoming & Ongoing Activities

Recent Past Events & Activities
Recent past events are described...with pictures, if available.

Our Eagle Scouts
This tells of Troop 205's Eagle Scouts.

Brief history of Troop 205
This will provide those interested with a history of our Troop... Almost 20 years old now. This link is not operational, yet.

Other links
Links to Troop 205 members' web pages and other favorite, hopefully interesting links.

Permission Slip
Print out this form, read it, complete it for a specific event, & return it to the event leader, along with associated costs.

BSA Annual Health and Medical Record
Starting January 2009, this is the new medical form that requires parent's and doctor's signatures. Completion of this form is usually done when a boy joins a Troop, and it is required of all boys and adults attending summer camp and high adventure outings. (Please note that all boy's and adult's must now be updated annually with Dr's exam and signature and parent's signature.)

Counter Stats
speeches Counter
(Number of views since September 2, 2006)

Counter Stats
health Counter
(Number of unique views since September 2, 2006)

Welcome to Boy Scout Troop 205, sponsored by Ebenezer United Methodist Church. The intent of this site is to keep Troop members, families, and other interested parties informed on what Troop 205 is doing. Plus, the boys used the initial design/layout of this web page to fulfill part of their requirements for the Communication merit badge.

We meet at 7 P.M. every Monday night (General exception to this is the Monday night nearest a holiday when school is not in session... unless otherwise notified... at the Ebenezer United Methodist Church.

This picture was taken about 9pm on Thursday, June 25, 2009 at David campsite, Hidden Valley Scout Camp, near Loysville, Perry County, PA.
Shown left to right are: Alan, Evrett, Domenic, Dayne, Will, Andrew, Logan, and Pete. The Troop designed and built the raft and won second place in the Sherman's Creek raft race.

This picture was taken about 2pm on Sunday, August 3, 2008 at Bashore Scout Camp, near Indiantown Gap, Lebanon County, PA.
Shown left to right are: Alan, Keith, Dayne, Logan, Evrett, and Pete.

This picture was taken about 2pm on Sunday, June 24, 2007 at Bashore Scout Camp, near Indiantown Gap, Lebanon County, PA.
Shown left to right are: Keith, Logan, Evrett, Dayne, and Alan.

This picture was taken on Tuesday about 5:30 P.M., July 18, 2006, at Hidden Valley Scout Camp, near Loysville, PA. (Troop 205 had the priviledge of hosting a Provisional Troop.) Shown in top row from left to right are: Alan, Dayne, Evrett, Dan S., Alex, Max, and Keith. Shown in the second row down (left to right) are: Harry, Dan K., Jordain, Kyle, and Logan. Shown in the front row (left to right) are Andrew and James.
(Picture courtesy of: Larry G. Yohn, Free Lance Photography, 2096 Newport Road, Newport, PA 17074 phone: 717-567-3096)

This picture was taken on Tuesday evening, June 28, 2005, at Hidden Valley Scout Camp, near Loysville, PA. Shown from left to right are: Brandon, Evrett, Alan, Dayne, and Logan. (Besides the ever-energetic Alan, Ben and Keith were the other adults who helped this week at summer camp.)

This picture was taken on Monday night, July 26, 2004, at Seven Mountains Scout Camp near State College, PA. Shown from left to right (bottom row) are: Tim, Evrett, Dayne, and Logan. At the point where this picture was taken it had already rained most of the day and would continue all night and most of the following day. We survived! (Besides the one water-logged adult shown, Alan W., Alan V., Joel, Todd, and Ben were other adults who helped make the week rewarding for the boys.)

This picture was taken on Saturday, August 2, 2003 at Camp Tuckahoe near Dillsburg, PA. Troop 205 (namely Evrett, Bryan, Brandon B., and Dayne) are mixed in with Scouts from Troop 88, with whom we shared Iroquis site. Troop 88 Scoutmaster Bob, Committee Chairman Charlie, and Bryan's dad, Glenn, are there also.

This picture was taken on Sunday night, July 2002, at Hidden Valley. Shown, from left to right in front are Bryan, Brandon, Bob, and Evrett; Keith and Ed are in the top row, left to right. As you see, the heat was getting to us that night!

This picture was taken at the 2001 Seven Mountains summer camp in Juniata County. Shown, from left to right starting at the bottom are: Joel, Brandon, Donovan, Brandon, Bobby, and John; top row, left to right: Austin, Gary, Ed, and Bill.

This picture was taken at the 2000 Camp Hidden Valley summer camp. Shown, from left to right starting at the bottom are: Donovan, John, Billy, Austin, Joel; top row: MaryAnn, Justin, Brandon, Bobby, and Dennis. It is rather interesting to see the growth between last year's camp picture... shown below... and this one.

This picture was taken at the 1999 Camp Bashore summer camp. Unfortunately, three of our Scouts: Josh, Alec, and Devan, were not present during the picture-taking. Shown, from left to right starting at the bottom are: Bobby, Don, Donovan, Brandon; next row up: Joel, John, Austin, Billy, Justin; top row: Kane, Keith, and Dave.

Boy Scout Troop 205 is looking for boys and adults who are willing to commit to building our Troop, not just those who are interested in taking, for it is in the giving that we have the potential to gain more than we ever realized.

A Scout is trustworthy, loyal, helpful, friendly, courteous, kind, obedient, cheerful, thrifty, brave, clean, and reverent.

Comments and suggestions are welcomed.; Please e-mail the Troop 205 web design team
All photographs on this web site are copyrighted by their respective owners.; Photographs may be downloaded for personal use only. For any other use, request written permission by contacting the Troop 205 web design team